2020年8月3日 星期一


這一刻,科技發展又有什麼新發現?和【FIND科技報】一起在無遠弗界的資訊汪洋中遊走,盡情挖掘新知識! 如果你是美食主義的信奉者,喜歡動手打理家中事物,並堅信生活值得用心去經營,歡迎加入【生活高手】行列!
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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2020/08/03第356期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 全民振興活動
Shopping for Fruit

1. Buying Fruit in a Traditional Market
Angela, an American, is looking through a market stall's fruit selection.
A=Angela P=Passerby
A: (To vendor, slowly) Do you have green grapes? (The vendor motions with her hands that she can't speak English and backs away.)
P: Actually, it seems this vendor doesn't have green grapes. You could check one of the other stalls in the market if you want.
A: No, that's all right.
P: (Holding up a dragon fruit) Have you ever had this before? It's a dragon fruit.
A: Never. What does it taste like?
P: It has a light taste and is not overly sweet. It's also got crunchy little seeds like a kiwi.
A: Maybe I'll try one. It certainly has a fitting name. It looks like a dragon egg from a fantasy movie.

2. Discussing Local Fruit Varieties
A passerby is introducing some local fruits to Angela.
A=Angela P=Passerby
P: (Hands Angela a dragon fruit) This one's ripe. Has anything else caught your eye? How about a durian?
A: No, thanks. I'm not feeling quite so bold. What about that?
P: That's a sugar apple.
A: It kind of looks like a guava crossed with a pineapple.
P: It does. You should get some. It tastes a bit like custard.
A: All right. I think I'm ready to pay. Thanks for your help.
P: Not at all.


1. 在傳統市場買水果

路人: 事實上,這個小販似乎沒有綠葡萄。如果妳要的話可以到市場其他攤位看看。

2. 討論在地水果種類

路人: (遞給安琪拉一顆火龍果)這顆熟了。還有什麼吸引妳的嗎?榴槤怎麼樣?
路人: 那是釋迦。
路人: 確實像。妳應該試試。它嚐起來有點像是卡士達。
路人: 別客氣。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.232 8月號Live互動英語雜誌 》



pineapple 鳳梨
banana 香蕉
coconut 椰子
durian 榴槤
mango 芒果
rambutan 紅毛丹
sugar apple 釋迦
kiwi 奇異果(亦稱為kiwifruit
dragon fruit 火龍果(亦稱為pitaya
guava 芭樂
mangosteen 山竹
star fruit 楊桃
cantaloupe 哈密瓜
papaya 木瓜
watermelon 西瓜
strawberry 草莓
blueberry 藍莓
blackberry 黑莓

raspberry 覆盆莓
mulberry 桑葚
grapes 葡萄
plum 李子;梅子
cherry 櫻桃
peach 桃子;水蜜桃
jujube 棗子
longan 龍眼
lychee 荔枝
loquat 枇杷
wax apple / bell fruit 蓮霧
persimmon 柿子
Asian pear 水梨
lemon 檸檬
grapefruit 葡萄柚
pomelo 柚子;文旦
tangerine 柑橘
orange 柳橙;柳丁
kumquat 金桔

2020/8/3 (一)

Despite the protective layer of paint, the man was suffering from a broken leg.

2020/8/4 (二)

He thought the paint would make him free from sin, but he had just committed several crimes, including murder.

2020/8/5 (三)

No one has seen anything like COVID-19 in over a hundred years.

2020/8/6 (四)

There's no better example of this than a certain group of students in Minnesota.

2020/8/7 (五)

But with the amount of waste caused by single-use plastic, a change needs to happen.



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Sing Village: Reviving a Cultural Landscape

這一刻,科技發展又有什麼新發現?和【FIND科技報】一起在無遠弗界的資訊汪洋中遊走,盡情挖掘新知識! 如果你是美食主義的信奉者,喜歡動手打理家中事物,並堅信生活值得用心去經營,歡迎加入【生活高手】行列!
★ 無法正常瀏覽內容,請按這裡線上閱讀
新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2020/08/03 第306期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Sing Village: Reviving a Cultural Landscape
活動快遞 高雄山城怎麼玩?市府聯手PIXNET帶你去

Sing Village: Reviving a Cultural Landscape

◎Written by David Huang ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting ◎Photos by Huang Jing-wen

  Sing Village, a military dependents' village in Kaohsiung's Gangshan District, has been recognized as a Cultural Landscape by Kaohsiung City Government's Bureau of Cultural Affairs.

  During the period of Japanese colonial rule, the village was a dormitory for air force pilots. When the ROC Government took control of Taiwan, it continued to house air force personnel. Back then, Sing Village was the most sophisticated military dependents' community in Gangshan District.

  After its residents were relocated, the village decayed into a state of desolation, until the filming of A Touch of Green. This Taiwanese TV series depicted the chaos which followed the surrender of Japanese forces in Taiwan in 1945 and the arrival of ROC soldiers and administrators. A Touch of Green's production designers and set decorators refurbished the village, restoring it to its former glory.

  Sing Village combines Japanese architecture with Baroque touches. Ever since A Touch of Green was first broadcast in 2015, the architectural splendor of the village's buildings, and the fa?ade with multiple arches, have drawn crowds of visitors. No longer forgotten, Sing Village has become the talk of the town.

  Through the lens of A Touch of Green, we see the value of preserving Sing Village. More importantly, the series provided the impetus for the village, which covers 1.7 hectares, to be preserved as a Cultural Landscape by the city government. This historic site has witnessed many changes, from being a dormitory for Japanese servicemen, to a community of ROC military personnel and their families, to a veterans' village, and then a deserted settlement.

  Sing Village comprises five two-story buildings (buildings A, B, C, D, and E), as well as two single-story buildings, a club (Building F) and an auditorium (Building G). The renovation of Building B has been completed; buildings A and F are undergoing reconstruction. The renovation of buildings C, D, E and G must wait for budget application and approval. To achieve a preservation-based revitalization project, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs has transformed Building B into an exhibition space. Beginning May 30, Building B is hosting an exhibition about veterans' villages. As its renovation proceeds, Sing Village will become a wonderful place to appreciate the architecture and culture of Taiwan's military dependents' villages.

◎Sing Village
Intersection of Renshou S. Rd. and Jieshou Rd., Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City


為讓更多民眾了解高雄山城有哪些好吃、好玩景點,高雄市政府經濟發展局聯手PIXNET推動「高雄市山城 AI 智慧商圈行銷計畫」,邀請超過20位部落客擔任「數位山城探險家」到山城景點和商圈踩點,並運用數據及AI內容分析推薦,協助店家提升網路知名度、吸引遊客前來消費…

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