2024年12月2日 星期一

厚鬆餅堡沒搶到?「得來速」「自助點餐機」英文怎麼說?| 麥當勞點餐特輯

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2024/12/03 第689期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

厚鬆餅堡沒搶到?「得來速」「自助點餐機」英文怎麼說? | 麥當勞點餐特輯
NOV. 18,2024 / Jerry Chang

厚鬆餅堡沒搶到?「得來速」「自助點餐機」英文怎麼說? | 麥當勞點餐特輯

     麥當勞「厚鬆餅堡」熱潮來襲,開賣不到3天就完售,不少民眾撲空!! 愈來愈多速食店家不定時推出限定商品,總是讓人一早就衝去排隊。你知道怎麼用英文點餐嗎?常見的「得來速」、「自助點餐機」、「買一送一」這些英文要怎麼說呢? 今天就來一篇 麥當勞英文點餐特輯,讓你不論在國內還是國外,都能輕鬆自信地點到想吃的餐點!



非洲水牛懂投票 牛牛的草原民主 African Buffalo: The Democratic Diners
NOV. 08,2024 / Analytical Editors

非洲水牛懂投票 牛牛的草原民主 African Buffalo: The Democratic Diners

  When a large group of people struggles to reach a consensus, voting is often used to help make a decision. Surprisingly, humans are not the only animals that exhibit this type of democratic tendency. Several different species of animals demonstrate similar voting behavior.
   One of the most notable examples of animals engaging in this activity involves African buffalo. Ecologist Herbert Prins first observed herds of African buffalo performing voting behavior in the 1990s. Groups of African buffalo would pause under the intense midday sun and rest until dusk. Prins noticed that some buffalo would periodically stand up and gaze in certain directions during the break. As the sun set, they would proceed to a new grazing spot where they could feed during the evening. The buffalo's behavior is evidence of a form of democratic voting, as the evening grazing locations are selected in accordance with the most gazes from the group.
  在從事這種行動的動物中,最著名的例子之一是非洲水牛。生態學家赫伯特.普林斯在 1990 年代首次觀察到非洲水牛群表現出投票的行為。成群的非洲水牛會在正午強烈的陽光下停下來休息,直至黃昏。普林斯注意到有些水牛在休息時會定期站起來並凝視某個方向。當日落時,牠們會前往一個新的吃草地點,牠們晚上可以在那裡進食。水牛的這個行為是一種民主投票形式的證據,因為晚上的吃草地點是按照群體中最多水牛凝視的地方來選擇。

  • tendency       n. 傾向
  • herd    n. 一群(牛、馬、鹿等)
  • periodically    adv. 定期地


搶救歪樓大作戰!斜出特色的比薩斜塔 The Leaning Tower of Pisa: From Mistake to Miracle
NOV. 14,2024 / Enjoy Editors

搶救歪樓大作戰!斜出特色的比薩斜塔 The Leaning Tower of Pisa: From Mistake to Miracle

Learn how the famous tower is still standing against all odds.
  For tourists visiting Italy, a great number of wonders are waiting to be discovered. In addition to Venice's Grand Canal and the Colosseum in Rome, the Tower of Pisa is a must-see sight. Though the tower is admired for its beautiful architecture, it is more widely known for its unique tilt.
   對到義大利旅遊的觀光客來說,有不計其數的奇景等著被發現。除了威尼斯的大運河和羅馬競技場之外,比薩斜塔也是必看的景點。儘管這座塔因其美麗的建築而備受讚譽,但更廣為人知的是它獨特的傾斜。 ....

  • wonder   n. 奇景
  • admire     vt. 欣賞
  • unique   a. 獨特的,特有的


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Double-talk 不是要你講兩遍!
Jack 向外籍老闆報告,解釋新產品出貨延期的原因。老闆告訴他:�籺o not double-talk.�紃ack 愣了一下,double talk 是講兩次嗎?他明明連一次都還沒有講,為什麼老闆叫他不能講兩次。原來 double talk 不是講兩次,而是「為了掩蓋事實,故意含糊其辭」。

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