捷運上的烏龍事件 A Misunderstanding on the MRT JAN. 01,2025 / Enjoy Editors  Bringing characters to life John, a tired office worker, boarded the MRT after a long and stressful day at work. As he entered the carriage, he noticed that all the seats were taken except for one priority seat. Because he was so tired, he decided to take the vacant seat for a brief rest. Moments later, he quickly drifted off to sleep. 約翰是一名疲憊的上班族,在經歷了漫長且充滿壓力的一天工作後,他搭上了捷運。當他進入車廂時,他發現除了一個博愛座之外,所有座位都被占滿了。因為太累了,他決定在這個空位上稍作休息。片刻之後,他很快就睡著了。... - board vt. 登上(飛機、火車、公車、船等)
- carriage n. 車廂
- except for... 除了...外(本身不包含在內)