瘋玩滑板 帥「翻」全場 One Kickflip to Rule Them All JUN.28,2021/Enjoy Editors
滑板運動僅在幾十年內,就在全球帶來可觀的文化影響力。滑板不僅是一項運動,它也可以全然是種生活方式。滑板不是團體運動,而是個人的,因此每個人都有機會能用屬於自己的創意方式來展現他們所認為的酷和潮。有些服飾、鞋子和滑板品牌,甚至是音樂和藝術種類都與滑板界息息相關。 In just a few decades, skateboarding has had an enormous cultural impact that can be seen around the world. It is not merely a sport; skateboarding can be an entire lifestyle. It is an activity for individuals, not teams, so every person has the chance to offer their own creative way to demonstrate what they think is cool and stylish. There are brands of clothing, shoes, boards, and even genres of music and art that are closely connected with the world of skateboarding. - merely adv. 僅僅,只是
- stylish a. 有風格的,時髦的