The Sahara Desert in Northern Africa is the largest hot desert in the world. This fierce land stretches about 1,800 km from the north to the south and about 4,800 km from the east to the west. Temperatures can easily exceed 40°C in the daytime during summer and can fall to -10°C at night in winter. More than 8,000 years ago, the Sahara was a fertile land where farmers grew millet. As the annual rainfall in the area gradually decreased, it became a huge desert. Most areas of this desert average 10 cm of rain per year.The Sahara has one of the harshest climates in the world. Gary Smith and a few of his adventurous friends decided to hike across the Sahara. Supporters in cars, who carried food and water for the group, accompanied them. One day, Smith got separated from the rest of the group. He was soon lost in the desert and could not figure out which direction to go. Then a sandstorm covered the area. It was not a big storm, but when it was over, Smith was even more confused. In the unbearable heat, he quickly finished his water. He was forced to spend that night out in the open, and he almost froze to death. The next day, he walked on aimlessly. His limbs ached, his lips were cracked and bleeding, and he had a terrible headache, but he would not stop. Smith was determined to survive. After the second night, he started to worry about dying. He realized that his friends might not find him in time. It was late on the third day that Smith collapsed. When Smith awoke, he was in an air-conditioned vehicle with his friends. He had been found by a group of bedouins who were traveling in a caravan. The bedouins returned him to his group of friends. Smith was lucky to have survived. 北非的撒哈拉沙漠是全世界面積最大的炎熱荒漠。這片廣闊沙地南北距離約1,800 公里,東西距離約4,800 公里。夏季白天氣溫可輕易達到攝氏40 度,冬季夜間則可降至攝氏零下10 度。超過八千年前,撒哈拉原為農夫種植小米的肥沃田地。隨著降雨量逐年遞減,撒哈拉最終成為偌大的沙漠。多數撒哈拉地區的平均年降雨量為10公分,擁有世上最嚴峻的氣候條件。 蓋瑞.史密斯與幾名充滿冒險精神的朋友,決定徒步橫越撒哈拉沙漠。開車隨行的支援團隊,則幫忙運送食物和飲用水。 某天,史密斯不慎與隊友走散。沒多久就在沙漠裡迷失了方向,完全摸不著頭緒該往何處前進。隨後來了一場沙塵暴,雖然規模不大,但等到沙塵退去,卻讓史密斯更加迷惘。在令人難以忍受的酷熱氣候下,他很快就喝光了隨身的飲用水,並且被迫露宿於沙漠之中,差一點凍死。 隔天,史密斯漫無目的地走著,四肢痠痛、嘴唇龜裂出血,頭也疼得受不了。但史密斯仍勇往直前,因為他擁有強大的求生意志。度過第二晚之後,他開始憂心自己是否會命喪沙漠,因為隊友們可能無法及時搜救他。到了第三天晚上,史密斯終於撐不下去而不省人事。 當史密斯醒來的時候,發現自己躺在開著冷氣的車內,還有隊友的陪伴。原來,是一支貝都因人隊伍營救了他,將他送回隊友身邊。史密斯能夠存活下來,真是非常幸運的一件事。 |