從keyword看國際大小事 Deepfake假新聞再進化 Deepfake是利用「深度學習」製造移花接木的換臉/聲影片偽造,此技術經常被惡意使用,誘導人相信影片的真實性;一般常見的假新聞可相對稱為shallowfake,指對內容進行簡單的影片/圖文編輯,造成誤導效果。 keyword synthetic videos合成影片 machine learning機器學習 election選舉 misinformation偏誤資訊 濾鏡好好玩,可以改變外觀…其實你也略懂Deepfake World Economic Forum Just when you thought modern life couldn’t get any crazier, a video emerged during the run-up to the recent UK election, in which the Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared to endorse his political opponent Jeremy Corbyn. FB將全力禁止Deepfake技術被用在美國2020總統選舉 Fast Company Facebook has announced a new policy change that will see the site ban deepfake content from its platform in the runup to the 2020 presidential election in November. A “deepfake” is the colloquial term for synthetic media, or media that has been created artificially using deep learning techniques. Deepfake影響巨大,但也別忘氾濫的shallowfake MIT Technology Review Malicious synthetic videos are not yet mainstream, which gives tech companies a chance to prevent future misinformation. But it won’t fix our current flood of fake news. Australia Bushfires澳洲叢林大火 今年是紀錄中澳洲最熱最乾的一年,通常森林野火季落在乾燥的11-2月,但這次的野火至少延燒1000萬公頃,造成20多人死亡、約5億動物喪生,為史上最嚴重的森林大火,也是全球重要的生態危機。 keyword Climate change氣候變遷 Apocalyptic如災難般的 3C world均溫提升3度C的世界 澳洲東南方顯露血紅色天空 INSIDER The devastating bushfires in Australia that have drawn military deployments and millions of dollars of aid meant to address "unprecedented" amounts of damage, authorities said in a press conference. 全民譴責澳總理莫里森,民調史上最低 Reuters Public support for Prime Minister Scott Morrison has slumped to its lowest levels amid widespread anger over his government’s handling of Australia’s bushfire crisis, according to a survey released by Newspoll. 科學家:野火狂燒為地球均溫上升的結果 The Guardian The bushfires ravaging Australia are a clear sign of what is to come around the world if temperatures are allowed to rise to dangerous levels, according to scientists. |