One day a goatherd was gathering his flock to return to the fold, when one of his goats ran off and refused to join the rest. He tried for a long time to get her to return by calling and whistling to her, but the goat took no notice of him at all, so at last he threw a stone at her and broke one of her horns. In despair, he begged her not to tell his master, but she replied, "You silly fellow, my horn would cry aloud even if I said nothing." It's no use trying to hide what can't be hidden. 某天,一名牧羊人把他的羊全都趕回了羊欄裡,但卻有一隻羊離隊,不願與其他羊一起回去,牧羊人花了很長時間叫喚她、對她吹口哨,但卻完全無法得到這隻山羊的注意,於是他拿起一顆 石頭丟向她,打破了她的一隻角。 牧羊人因此很害怕,絕望中哀求山羊別把事情告訴他的主人,但是山羊回答:「你這蠢人,就算我閉口不說,我的角也會把事情大聲的說出來啊!」 瞞不了的事要隱瞞也沒用。 紙包不了火。 |