2022年1月25日 星期二

Kaohsiung City Government's Balloon Rides over Tianliao's Moon World

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2022/01/24 第332期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Kaohsiung City Government's Balloon Rides over Tianliao's Moon World
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Kaohsiung City Government's Balloon Rides over Tianliao's Moon World

◎Written by Kyu ◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter, Huang Jing-wen, Chang Chien Ying-hao

 On October 8th, 2021, Kaohsiung City Government kicked off its balloon festival, which was held at Moon World Mudstone Badlands Geopark in Tianliao District and at the Love River. For the first, time visitors could take a balloon ride over the mudstone badlands. The Kaohsiung Tourism Bureau's Balloon Festival ran from October 8th to November 7th, allowing passengers to take balloon rides to marvel at the region's various landmarks and panoramic views. Passengers also enjoyed a spectacular bird's eye view of the mudstone peaks and the surrounding ponds.

   Besides taking balloon rides, visitors can walk the trails and learn about the region's geology. There are a variety of trails that are suitable for a variety of skilled hikers. Stronger and experienced hikers can climb to a lookout on one of the mudstone ridges and enjoy the area's panoramic views. After a vigorous hike, don't forget to check out the areas's famous free-range chicken dishes.

 Moon World badlands came into existence because the mudstone repeatedly absorbed rainwater, which would make it swell and crack, resulting in the dramatic landscape that resembles the moon. In the evening, the park is illuminated with five vibrant colorful lights, which bring a mysterious atmosphere to the barren mudstone peaks. Whatever time of the day or night you go to Moon World, it truly has a unique landscape and is definitely worth a visit.

Moon World Mudstone Badlands Geopark

Address: No. 36, Yueciou Road, Tianliao District, Kaohsiung City

Tourist Center:09:00–17:00

The Moon World: Open 24 hours

FB:Tianliao Moon World

FB:2021 Kaohsiung Balloon Festival

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