為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple! DEC.04,2021/Bruce E. Bagnell 
Many people claim that Taiwan is a fruit paradise. In fact, it would take quite a while to list all the wonderful kinds of fruit grown here. In addition, due to the subtropical climate in the north, tropical climate in the south, and temperate and alpine climates in its mountainous areas, fruits such as fresh pineapples, bananas, and oranges can be found year-round in markets alongside apples, pears, and peaches—hence the moniker fruit paradise. 很多人說臺灣是水果天堂。事實上,要列出這裡種植的所有美妙水果需要花上不少時間。此外,由於北部屬亞熱帶氣候、南部屬熱帶氣候,而山區屬溫帶和高山氣候,一年到頭都可以在市場上找到新鮮的鳳梨、香蕉、橙等水果與蘋果、梨子和桃子陳列在一起 ─ 因此臺灣有水果天堂之稱。 - mountainous a. 山區的,多山的
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