2024年8月6日 星期二

Tai Tzu-ying and Wu Chia-ying: Olympic Athletes from Kaohsiung

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2024/08/05 第396期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Tai Tzu-ying and Wu Chia-ying: Olympic Athletes from Kaohsiung
活動快遞 2024年8月藝文活動月刊

Tai Tzu-ying and Wu Chia-ying: Olympic Athletes from Kaohsiung
◎Written by Fang Rong, Lin Zih-han, Jiang Yu-ren
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Liou Siao-tian
◎Photos courtesy of Niang Jia, Diamond TTY International Co., Ltd.

 National athletes Tai Tzu-ying(戴資穎)and Wu Chia-ying(吳佳穎), hailing from Kaohsiung, will be competing in this year's Paris 2024 Olympics(巴黎奧運). In the previous Tokyo Olympics, Tai Tzu-ying won a silver medal in the women's singles badminton, while Wu Jia-ying advanced to the finals in the women's 25m pistol shooting event.

Olympic athlete Tai Tzu-ying (Photo courtesy of Niang Jia)

 This Olympics marks the fourth and final attempt at gold for Taiwan's queen of badminton, Tai Tzu-ying. "The Olympics is a sacred event and a great challenge. I'll do my best to prepare my body for the competition," said Tai, who always faces challenges with a strong belief in herself.

  Before the Paris Olympics, Tai suffered an injury at the All England Open Badminton Championships(全英羽球公開賽). She has been calmly recuperating, and this positive attitude often helps her turn the game around even when the score is against her. She said, "What truly matters isn't winning or losing, but my overall performance in the match — whether I've fully displayed my abilities and whether I've made progress!" What captivates the audience and fans is not just her superb skills but also the heights she has reached in her life.

Olympic athlete Tai Tzu-ying (Photo courtesy of Diamond TTY International Co., Ltd.)

 Wu Chia-ying(吳佳穎)initially gained a large following thanks to her fresh and sweet ID photo at the 2011 Summer Universiade(世大運). Since then, she has become a true pride of Taiwan, winning numerous medals at events such as the East Asian Games(東亞運), the Asian Shooting Championships(亞洲射擊錦標賽), and the Summer Universiade. She has also developed the ability to quickly calm her mind, allowing her to adjust rapidly, even when faced with setbacks. This ensures that her emotions do not affect her performance in competitions.

Olympic athlete Wu Chia-ying (Photo by Liou Siao-tian)

 "Training is life, and competitions have long become part of daily life. I won't do anything special just because it's the Olympics. I'll follow the routine and complete the competition smoothly." Her progress in the Tokyo Olympics three years ago boosted her confidence, and this time, Wu is approaching the Olympics with a very calm and positive attitude, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Olympic athlete Wu Chia-ying (Photo by Liou Siao-tian)
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