2024年8月12日 星期一

「bring it on」才不是「把它帶著」!教你 16 個 bring + 搭配詞超完整表達用法!

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2024/08/13 第673期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

「bring it on」才不是「把它帶著」!教你 16 個 bring + 搭配詞超完整表達用法
MAR. 16,2024 / 常春藤中外編輯群

「bring it on」才不是「把它帶著」!教你 16 個 bring + 搭配詞超完整表達用法!

      「bring」是一個常用的動詞,意思是「帶來、帶入」。而「bring」的搭配詞用法也相當豐富,能夠表達各種不同的含義和情境。在這篇文章中將會介紹「bring」的各種搭配詞用法,幫助讀者更好地掌握其方法。 「bring」、「take」和「get」的區分方法: ...



為什麼網站都在問: 「 是否同意接受 cookie?」 Taking a Bite Out of Internet Cookies
JUL. 16,2024 / Analytical Editors

為什麼網站都在問: 「 是否同意接受 cookie?」 Taking a Bite Out of Internet Cookies

   Ask your grandparents what cookies are, and you'll probably be told they are tasty treats made from flour, sugar, butter, and a few other ingredients. Ever since 1994, however, the term has taken on a completely different meaning related to the internet. In that year, a 23-year-old American programmer named Lou Montulli invented the cookie. Fast-forward to the present day, and cookies have become not only commonplace but also a subject of growing concern, particularly third-party ones.
   Cookies in the digital age have a few different names: internet cookies, web cookies, browser cookies, or just cookies. In the most basic terms, a cookie is a piece of text that contains some personal information about a user, such as log-in details or shopping cart contents. ...
   問看看你的阿公阿嬤「cookie」是什麼,他們可能會跟你說 cookie 是由麵粉、糖、奶油和一些其他的原料所製成的美味點心。然而,自 1994 年以來,這一個詞有了完全不同的含義,是與網路有關。那一年,一位名叫盧.蒙特利的二十三歲美國程式設計師發明了 cookie。時間快轉到現今,cookie 不僅變得普遍,而且還益發受到關注,尤其是第三方 cookie。
   另一方面,第三方 cookie 並非由使用者訪問的網站產生,而是由其他網站 ── 也就是「第三方」── 所生成。 ....

  • ingredients       n. 原料,食材
  • completely    adv. 完全地,徹底地
  • digital    a. 數位的


進擊的霹靂舞 The Big Break for Breakdancing
JUl. 30,2024 / Enjoy Editors

進擊的霹靂舞 The Big Break for Breakdancing

From the streets to the Olympic stage
   Breakdancing is a dance style that took shape through the efforts of young African Americans and Latin Americans on the streets of New York City in the 1970s. Along with rap music and graffiti, it became one of the major forms of artistic expression in hip-hop culture.
   It all began with DJ Kool Herc. He noticed young people often only danced during specific "breaks" in songs, where drum beats were more obvious. As a result, he started playing the breaks on repeat to create continuous dance beats. During these breaks, he encouraged dancers, whom he called b-boys and b-girls, to "battle" with each other. The dancer with the most creative and complex moves would be the winner.
  霹靂舞是一種舞蹈風格,在 1970 年代由來自紐約市街頭的年輕非裔美國人與拉丁裔美國人努力發展而形成。連同饒舌音樂與街頭塗鴉,霹靂舞成為嘻哈文化的主要藝術呈現方式之一。
  這一切都始於 DJ Kool Herc。他注意到年輕人只在歌曲的特定「間奏」中跳舞,此時鼓點更加明顯。因此,他開始重複播放間奏以創造連續的舞蹈節拍。在這些間奏期間,他鼓勵被他稱為 b-boy 與 b-girl 的舞者互相「對戰」。動作最有創意、最複雜的舞者將成為贏家。 ....

  • take shape   形成;成形
  • along with...    以及/連同...
  • continuous   a. 連續的,不間斷的


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