2022年8月11日 星期四

The Hands-Off Tech Era Is Over 歐美嚴管科技企業時代已來臨

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2022/08/12 第395期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Gridlock in Congress Has Amplified the Power of the Supreme Court 美國會僵局 增強最高法院權力
The Hands-Off Tech Era Is Over 歐美嚴管科技企業時代已來臨
Gridlock in Congress Has Amplified the Power of the Supreme Court 美國會僵局 增強最高法院權力
文/Adam Liptak

美國會僵局 增強最高法院權力

On the last day of a turbulent term that included rulings on what the Constitution has to say about abortion, guns and religion, the Supreme Court issued another sort of decision, one that turned on the words of the Clean Air Act.


Without "clear congressional authorization," the court said, the Environmental Protection Agency was powerless to aggressively address climate change. In years past, that might have been the start of a dialogue with Congress, which after all has the last word on what statutes mean, because it can always pass new ones.


But thanks to legislative gridlock, Congress very seldom responds these days to Supreme Court decisions interpreting its statutes — and that means the balance of power between the branches has shifted, with the justices ascendant.


The consequences have been especially stark in Supreme Court rulings on global emergencies like climate change and the coronavirus pandemic, but the phenomenon is a general one. Congress has largely fallen silent, as a partisan stalemate has gripped Capitol Hill, aggravated by the increased use of the filibuster, which has blocked almost all major legislation in an evenly divided Senate. The upshot is a more dominant court.


It was not always so.


"If you go back to the '80s, every time the court did something Congress didn't like, they passed a law," said Richard J. Lazarus, a law professor at Harvard. "It was an iterative process between Congress, the agencies and the courts."


Congressional inaction following Supreme Court rulings on statutes is not especially new, but it has taken on added importance, as the court has veered to the right and is increasingly insisting on clear grants of congressional authority to executive agencies. In addition to the ruling on climate change, the court has recently declared that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was not authorized to impose a moratorium on evictions and that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was not authorized to tell large employers to have their workers vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo frequent testing.


Congress is, of course, powerless to revive a law that the Supreme Court has struck down as unconstitutional. In such cases, the court gets the last word, and only a constitutional amendment or a later overruling can undo its work.


The Hands-Off Tech Era Is Over 歐美嚴管科技企業時代已來臨
文/Shira Ovide


It's clear more than ever that governments will no longer leave technology alone.


Europe mandated standard phone chargers for portable electronics while Texas passed a contested law to restrain social media companies' policing of online speech. Tech companies can count on more changes like those as government minders wade into how they do business and how we use their products.


That most likely means new technologies like driverless cars and facial recognition systems will take longer to spread into the world than they might have. For many tech proponents, more deliberation and oversight will slow invention. For others, that's exactly the point.


It's easy to be overwhelmed by (or tune out) all the attempted government regulation. In just the past few weeks, journalists have written about pending congressional bills involving data privacy and tech antitrust; the employment classification of drivers for companies like Uber; multiple countries setting standards about how data can and cannot move around the globe.


Those are all the result of a still-evolving rethinking of what had been a relatively laissez-faire approach to tech since the 1990s. With exceptions, the prevailing attitude was that new internet technologies, including digital advertising, e-commerce, social media and gig employment through apps, were too novel, fringe and useful for governments to constrain them with many rules.


Just one example: A decade ago, Facebook said U.S. rules that require TV and radio to disclose who is paying for election-related ads shouldn't apply to that company. The Federal Election Commission "should not stand in the way of innovation." a Facebook lawyer said at the time.


Those ad disclosures aren't always effective, but after Russia-backed propagandists spread social media ads and free posts to inflame American political divisions in 2016, Facebook voluntarily started to provide more transparency about political ads.


Better laws or ad disclosures probably wouldn't have prevented hostile foreign actors from abusing Facebook to wage information wars in the United States or other countries. But the hands-off conventional wisdom most likely contributed to a sense that people in charge of tech should be left alone to do what they wished.


說話太直,小心沒朋友! 「我不喜歡…」不要只會說 I don't like…
生活中,我們總是面臨著許多抉擇,若想表達「不喜歡」你的第一反應是不是I don't like it呢?太過直接又怕讓彼此都陷入尷尬氛圍! 要如何更委婉說出「不喜歡…」、「不感興趣」呢? 這六句學起來,不用擔心會傷到對方囉。

育兒該扮黑臉或白臉?媽媽也是人 找回自我與溫度
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