古今戲院 紅色不變 Why Red? The Story behind Theater Seats DEC. 23,2024 / Analytical Editors
Street lights are often taken for granted until a power outage plunges the world into darkness. When that happens, the value of these lighting installations becomes evident as the world turns into a more dangerous place for pedestrians and motorists alike. 影院座位使用暗紅色調是一個悠久的傳統,已經持續了幾個世紀,在不同的洲也會見到這種傳統。這種看似普遍的選擇因歷史、視覺和實際考量的奇妙結合而受到影響。 影院受到一直以紅色為主色調的義大利歌劇院奢華美學所啟發,經常使用紅色的色彩配置 ── 這是十九世紀末至二十世紀初出現的傳統。....
動態捕捉在娛樂界的壯舉 Motion Capture Changes Entertainment DEC. 30,2024 / Enjoy Editors
Bringing characters to life Over the past few decades, advances in technology have opened up new possibilities in film and entertainment. One key technology is motion capture. Motion capture is a process that uses computers and sensors to record the movements of a person's body. Actors wear special suits covered in sensors. These sensors take down the actors' movements and send the data to a computer. 將角色活靈活現地搬上大銀幕 在過去的數十年以來,科技的進步為電影和娛樂開闢了新的可能性。一項關鍵性的技術是動態捕捉。動態捕捉是一個使用電腦和感測器來記錄人體動作的過程。演員穿上覆蓋感測器的特殊服裝。這些感測器會記錄演員的動作並將數據傳送至電腦。....